Bahrain participates in TFTC Executive Committee meeting


Riyadh: A Bahraini delegation, led by Foreign Ministry Chief of Strategic Affairs Ambassador Nancy Abdullah Jamal participated in the meeting of the Executive Committee of Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) and related consultative discussions, which was held in Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

A meeting of the Small Committee of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) was also held under the auspices of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America.

Brett McGurk, Deputy Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Affairs at the US National Security Council, and Brian Nelson, Undersecretary The US Treasury Department for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence attended.

Also present were members of the Executive Committee and representatives of the member states of the center, namely the GCC countries and the United States.

The member states discussed prominent global challenges facing the international community, especially in light of the recent geopolitical changes, and their threats that require collective action in order to end the activities of terrorist organizations as well as combat terrorist financing and money laundering in order to protect regional security and secure the interests of countries in the region.

Ambassador Nancy Abdullah Jamal delivered a speech in which she affirmed Bahrain’s commitment to supporting international efforts to combat the sources of terrorist financing, which would preserve the security and stability of the region, through its membership in the TFTC.

She stressed the need for continued coordination of regional efforts under the umbrella of TFTC for the benefit of the region’s interests and in support of establishing security and peace in the whole world.

She congratulated the center’s members on the collective designation of 16 individuals and terrorist entities by the TFTC, which was announced today, on the occasion of its fifth anniversary.

She noted that this designation is an achievement that reflects a stronger and more determined position for the center, its mandate, and its main objectives, and it is a testimony to what can be achieved by acting as a united front.

She added that designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah, and their agents on this list, including Saraya Al-Ashtar and Al-Mukhtar, on an equal footing, in the same category with both ISIS and Al-Qaeda and its affiliated organizations is a victory in itself and a re-commitment of all member states to continue defeating the dangers of terrorism, especially now that many countries are in the process of reassessing their national standards regarding what is considered terrorism and reconsidering their sanctions lists.

It is worth noting that the re-designation of Saraya Al-Ashtar and Al-Mukhtar militias, as stated in the official statements of the participating governments, is an extension of the national and regional work that is consistent with the policy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, which puts emphasis on combating the scourge of extremism and terrorism for a stable region and to have people live in security, peace, and prosperity.

Source: Bahrain News Agency