Dr. Al Rabeeah Announces the Kingdom’s Humanitarian Plan for Sudan and its Neighbouring Countries


Paris: Advisor at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah said that the close ties between the Kingdom and the Republic of Sudan prompted the Kingdom to move urgently to conduct relief bridges, including 13 aircraft and four sea bridges to provide a complete humanitarian aid and implement 43 humanitarian projects in Sudan and the neighbouring countries with over $59 million in partnership with UN, international and local organizations. Twenty voluntary medical teams were also sent to Sudan.

This plan was announced in a speech yesterday at the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and neighbouring countries organized by France and the European Union in Paris, with the participation of countries backing the peace efforts in Sudan, major donors, and UN and international organizations.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not allow the Sudanese and its neighboring countries’ crises to be overlooked or forgot
ten. The Kingdom has been at the forefront of calling for permanent and complete peace in this country and supporting humanitarian efforts in Sudan. While the Kingdom played a pivotal role in hosting and facilitating negotiations to resolve the conflict in Sudan, the Kingdom’s leadership ordered the provision of $100 million in aid to Sudan. The Kingdom also announced the addition of over $20 million. The Kingdom will implement relief and humanitarian projects in Sudan and neighbouring countries for over $1.2 billion in the coming period,” he said.

At the end of his speech, Dr. Al Rabeeah emphasized that the Kingdom will continue its efforts to reach a sustainable, peaceful solution in the geographical areas mentioned in his speech and underscored its humanitarian role through KSrelief.

Source: Saudi Press Agency