SAR Signs Contract with Major Consumer Goods Manufacturer to Transport Products via Railway

Riyadh: The Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR) signed a contract with Ismail Abudawood and Procter AND Gamble (PANDG), one of the largest consumer goods manufacturers, to transport goods from PANDG’s factory in Dammam to its customers in Riyadh.

The contract was signed by SAR’s Senior Vice President of Freight, Eng. Badr Al-Atni, and on behalf of the company, Chief Operating Officer of Supply Chain and Logistic Network Operations, Eng. Ahmed Banan.

This contract aims to utilize railway transport services to expedite the company’s product transportation and enhance operational efficiency by leveraging the suitable and reliable logistical solutions provided by SAR for domestic product transport.

The contract will help reduce truck traffic on highways between Dammam and Riyadh, lower carbon emissions, and preserve road infrastructure and safety in line with the goals of the National Transport and Logistics Strategy (NTLS) and the Saudi Vision 2030.

Source: Saudi Press Agency