Technology hegemony U.S. stops renewals of export licenses for China’s Huawei

China’s government has accused Washington this week of seeking “technology hegemony,” as the United States has begun putting pressure on the tech company Huawei by blocking its access to American suppliers.

According to two sources who are familiar with the issue, it appears that the Biden administration has stopped approving renewals of licenses for certain U.S. companies that have sold essential elements for the Chinese company. Technology hegemony they were not authorized to speak publicly on the issue and spoke on the confidentiality of the matter.

This company, which manufactures phones and network equipment, is on the U.S. Commerce Department’s list of entities, including those subject to licensing requirements from 2019. The company has been permitted to purchase less sophisticated components. However, the new restrictions could shut down Huawei’s access to processor chips and other technologies if large U.S.-based firms like Intel and Qualcomm have to shut down their business in the wake of Huawei.